I am a two time divorcee and I struggle with when to tell a person I am interested in that I have been divorced twice. Usually, my latest marriage will come up in conversation when discussing what we learned about ourselves from our last relationship, but I feel a lot of shame around brining up the fact that I was married twice. My first marriage was when I was 22 and it ended up becoming physically abusive. I jumped right into the next relationship with me second ex husband and now I see where I made some mistakes. My question is, when do I disclose this information and how do I disclose it without sounding like I am trauma dumping?
Thank you for being such a sex positive person. I consider myself very sexual as I learned the freedom to express myself sexually after growing up in a very religious home that shamed sex. I am wanting to find my partner and sex is a very important part of a relationship for me. If I am feeling the connection, I will be intimate on the first date. Many times a guy will lose interest after that and I am left wondering if it would of been different had I waited and built more of an emotional connection. I am also bisexual and I very much enjoy threesomes. I feel like when I disclose my sexuality and I am asked about threesomes, it gives the wrong impression to men I am dating. I know you already did a bonus episode about this, but I would like a little more content on this. Also, how do you feel about when someone asks you what your "body count" is? I feel this is a very disrespectful question and I have shut it down in the past, but then I sound defensive. When asked this, I usually say my body count has nothing to do with my sexual health. What you should be asking me is about my sexual health rather than how many people I have been with.
Hi Sabrina, Long time listener. I get excited every time I see a new episode. My favourite episode was 46 “Stepping in your power” and would love to hear more about protecting my inner child. I am having a situation where I moved “too quickly” and trusted someone I needed to give more time. That led to disappointment and now attachment to someone who left me. I am trying to find myself and my joy, while also setting up boundaries so they don’t come back and shake my confidence. I realize they gave my inner child joy and I am having the hardest time convincing my inner child that I can protect them. What tools or exercises can you do to build confidence in the inner child that you can protect them?
Hi Sabrina! First of all thank you. Im experiencing healthy dating for the first time and I thank you for that. Okay, so I’ve been someone about 6 weeks and it’s been wonderful. I mentioned very early on I’m not looking for something casual and want to find someone to build a relationship with, he said he’s open to the same thing. It’s been a lovely 6 weeks and I was recently thinking about having the exclusivity talk, but I also have been back and forth because I don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket yet, and want to know him further/longer. Also see him in different situations as you’ve mentioned, with friends, etc. I haven’t been actively on dating apps and I really didn’t expected to be interested in anyone else, but I met someone the other night in person unexpectedly when I was out with friends and am really interested in getting to know him. We’ve been texting briefly and are talking about a plan to meet up. I weirdly feel guilty, like I’m being unloyal to the guy I’ve been seeing for 6 weeks even though we have not had the exclusivity talk. I know communication is most important so I’m thinking about being open with the both of them, but but also part of me feels like it’s just wrong to try with someone else when I like the first guy so much. Then part of me feels like I’m doing nothing wrong because this is what dating can be about, getting to know potential partners. I’ve never dated more than one person at once and I’m just confused! Any advice or how I could communicate to them without hurting them both? Thank you.