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with The Sabrina Zohar Show Premium

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Intuition vs anxiety

I am struggling to distinguish between my intuition and my anxiety. I have heard that intuition feels more calming, but anxiety will feel urgent and like you need to act upon it quickly; can you further elaborate on some practical ways to distinguish between the two? I have come to the awareness that I have a difficult time trusting myself and my own intuition about things, likely as a result of childhood trauma of always being made to feel like I am wrong or a bad person, so if you have any advice on how to gain trust in myself again, I would love to hear it. Thank you guys. Love and appreciate the podcast.

Anxious Attachment in Friendships

Can you do an episode on how anxious attachment happens in friendships and other relationships that are not romantic? I know this is something you have touched on in episodes but would love a whole episode dedicated to friendships with maybe Britt or Masha or just a solo. Love your solos!

Bonus Episode Suggestions:

I was the one with the Intimacy too soon question and thank you so much for the response. It really helped and solidified that I was doing okay. Being okay with being single but still looking for a relationship, when to introduce friends and family, polyamorous and open relationships, cheating, pink flags, divorce, having expectations but not attaching to outcomes, meeting people in real life -Hannah

Dating profile screenshots!

Hi! I sent in my dating profile screenshots for some constructive feedback. Much love❤️

Is expressing liking for the other person needy/puts them off?

I met a guy during my travels and we both started with the notion that it will be just a holiday fling. Once I went on dates with him and got to know him a bit, I do want to continue exploring it more once I head back home. Is it okay for me to express my liking and how I want to move forward without losing my power and then managing rejection if it happens