Ask Me Anything

with The Sabrina Zohar Show Premium

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Starting your business

Hi Sabrina! Can you talk a little bit about how you started your business and how you were able to build such an amazing thriving podcast/coaching/program within 1 year on top of a software and clothing company? That's just so cool and wanted to learn more about how you got started and how you were able to do it and to learn more about your journey. I've also heard about people creating mood boards for themselves for inspiration. Is that something that you do? If so, can we learn more about that? ex: tools you use for that, how to get started, etc As always, I appreciate you so much and I love that we get to be in your coaching container! :)

how to feel less guilty about my fears and triggers in early dating?

Hi beautiful Sabrina and Ryan I’m listening to the podcast from the very beginning and appreciate your honesty and vulnerability so much. Thank you a million times! I would love to hear your thoughts on how to feel less guilty about still having my fear of abandonment, about the fact that even though I’m in therapy for 5 years, well aware of my triggers and take full responsibility on my anxiety, try my best to not act from a place of fear, I feel deeply ashamed for my ongoing experience where a guy I barely know, has a big impact on my mood and well being. It’s like my body does not accept what I understand intellectually. My body react intensely to every sign of abandonment, even when I know it doesn’t matter if the person leaves, we don’t know each other. when I meet a guy who is consistent, stable, not hot and cold, is truly trying to get to know me, I feel like I’m hiding something from him, since I put so much effort on calming myself to not show my anxiety and not communicate from a place of fear. I am not a victim, just feeling stuck Thank you for every thought, not looking for a specific answer ❤️

About black and white thinking

Would love you to talk more about black and white thinking, how to manage the automatic thought pattern of black and white thinking For example, In early dating, when the guy and I won’t talk for a while, and even though I have no reason to come to this conclusion, I automatically believe we won’t speak ever again And find it really difficult to explain myself otherwise I don’t act from these thoughts, but would like to know how can I hold other options and thoughts and not run to these conclusions? Thank you so much!

About “mothering” men

Hi! Can you please share your thoughts about all the dating advice regarding “stop mothering your man”? Where the line is between taking care of your partner and control, how to know when it can damage the relationship.. I know there is probably not one answer but would love to hear your opinions 😊

I like a man who has very feminine speech and mannerisms…how to look past this…

I met a guy I like. He’s so thoughtful and kind. Speaks my love language (words and physical touch). He’s very attentive and showing very consistent interest in me. I’m still getting to know him. However, there is something that bothers me and I would like your thoughts. He’s very feminine. I’m attracted to him physically (he’s handsome), but his voice and mannerisms are very feminine. He’s totally into me and I don’t doubt he likes women. He’s told me other women have asked if he’s gay and men hit on him…and I understand why. Any thoughts? I don’t want to toss aside a good man (as far as I can tell), because of his mannerisms and the way he speaks, but I would be lying if I said it’s not bothering me at this time. Any thoughts, suggestions, etc?