Ask Me Anything

with The Sabrina Zohar Show Premium

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Hello, hello, hello! Loving your podcast. It has literally changed my life! I’ve gone on a massive “do the work” journey. I’m from the UK and I think this is such a tricky area for a lot of brits. Anyway, I’ve gone on a massive journey and have now fallen out with some people I would have considered friends in a past “people pleasing” life. I would love to hear your take on how to manage the transition from pre “do the work friends (DTWF) to post “DTWF”? ❤️❤️

Discussions with New Partner

Hey y’all! I have been dating someone for 4 months and something has recently started to bother me. I know I need to bring it up so we can discuss it but I’m new to the whole working on myself stuff and being more open when things are bothering me. When you were first starting your journey, how did you get the confidence to bring these things up? He is easy to talk to about other things and I’m not scared by the outcome of the conversation, but I just seem to get nervous when it is time for me to bring this up.

Receiving love

Hey guys, I would love to hear your point of view on how to allow yourself to feel emotionally safe when meeting someone who seems to be showing genuine, healthy gestures and affection at an adequate pace. I have worked a lot on myself in the past few years and am conscious about most of my coping, and self-defense mechanisms. I am trying to be aware of them and receive whatever I believe I deserve; still, every now and then I catch myself questioning this guy I met a few weeks ago and am suspecting some underlying self-sabotaging tendencies fuelled by my fear in my very own stream of thoughts related to him. Thank you for being here for us. This podcast has literally changed my whole world in dating. I keep recommending it to my friends and anyone who is struggling at any point even if it's only about anxiety. It is raw, straightforward, unnuanced, and real. Will forever keep binging episodes if I need a reminder. Thank you for answering my question. Orsi

Trusting people in dating

I’ve just came out of a very long term relationship with someone manipulative and emotionally abusive but I still feel like I havnt learned my lesson. I trust people far to easily even just through talking and meeting I believe every word they say and their actions and then I am completely thrown off when things change and I can feel like self wanting to close off from people due to fear. I went on a date with a guy had an amazing night there was absolutely no indication can things weren’t going well. To then find out he had blocked me the next morning and now I’m doubting everyone that wants to go out on a date in fear of not being able to read them and prepare my brain for the rejection. I don’t know how to be less soft hearted and more not caring what happens after a date.

Twice Divorcee-When do I disclose this?

First, I want to say I absolutely LOVE your podcast. You have helped me grow so much in the last nine months. I sincerely appreciate everything you say about intimacy and embracing your sexuality. This topic is very important to me, and I'm exhausted by all the shaming around women being sexual beings. But that's a conversation for another time—I just wanted to express my gratitude for empowering me. Here is my situation: I have been divorced twice. I got married for the first time at 22, but my partner turned out to be physically and emotionally abusive, so we divorced after six years. The second time, I rushed into another relationship and was with him for eight years, married for three of them. I've been working on my relationship patterns and my tendency to rush into relationships in therapy. I realize how crucial it is to take things slow. I’ve been dating and getting to know partners, but I struggle with when to tell them about my two marriages. I don't want to seem like I'm trauma dumping, but also want to be upfront and honest while not coming across as a walking red flag. I've been divorced for 9 months and I don't know if I ever want to get married again, but I do want to find my person I can build something with. I do believe these two divorces have made me wiser and are an important part of my journey. When is it an appropriate time to share this information with potential partners and how much should I disclose?